good vibes
body art
Tattoo and Piercing FAQ
When are you open?
We are typically open Tuesday through Saturday Noon to 7:30pm.
How do I make an appointment?
The first step towards setting up a tattoo appointment is scheduling a consultation with the artist that you would
like to work with. We recommend browsing portfolios here on our website and also checking out the work on our
Facebook and Instagram to see who's style best matches what you have in mind for your tattoo. You can also find their booking availability listed in their portfolios.
Once you've chosen an artist you would like to schedule a consultation with, email goodvibesbodyart@yahoo.com and put their name in the email subject line. Within the email please include your full name, phone number, a brief description of the tattoo you're wanting, where you would like it to be on your body, the size you'd like it to be (in inches) and include reference photos. It seems like a lot of work but it will help us speed up the scheduling process for you!
How much do tattoos cost?
This is a little like asking how much does a car cost-LOL.Tattoos can be anywhere from an artist's minimum to many many hours. Discussing the design with your artist (in person) is really the only way to get an accurate estimate. That being said, we have four resident artists working at $190 an hour and one resident artist working at $175 an hour . We charge by the hour and use a timer as to be fair to everyone involved.
Does getting tattooed hurt?
Each individual’s pain threshold is very different. Some people think one part of the body is very painful while others have no problem sitting through that particular spot. Each area of the body is different. In the end, most people compare the pain to an annoyance or persistent scratching feeling. Remember, if you are confident in your artist and the design you have created it greatly helps you to be calm which will decrease your perception of pain.
How long do I have to wait to go swimming, take a bath, or go in my hot tub?
It is best to wait a minimum of two weeks (unless you use the DermShield product). If you have issues healing your tattoo you may have to wait longer. Submerging a fresh tattoo in any kind of water will result in possible scarification and definitely improper healing. It is best to take showers and let the water softly fall over the area, being careful not to soak it. Always gently dab, not rub, with a disposable paper towel or a very clean towel to dry.
Do you accept walk-ins?
Yes! We happily accept walk ins if we have an artist available and your tattoo design is ready to go or requires minimal drawing time. Walk ins are first come first serve, calling ahead does not reserve a time for you, we do not make appointments without a cash deposit and a design drawn. Keep an eye on our social media as we always post when we have a walk in day!
Can I bring my own jewelry to get a piercing?
No. Good Vibes only uses the highest quality surgical steel or titanium jewelry for initial piercing. Any other type of lower grade metal can cause infection and improper healing. We also sterilize all jewelry and ensure it is fit to be used in your body. When you bring in your own jewelry, our Body Piercer cannot guarantee the quality, healing, or sterilization of the jewelry. All of our piercing prices include the jewelry. If you have any questions that are not listed here, please contact Good Vibes today to speak to one of our professional tattoo artists or body piercers.
Should I use sea salt on my piercing?
No. The piercer here at Good Vibes has been professionally piercing since 1999 and through her experience with not only her clients but with other people having been pierced in the area, sea salt is typically over used and causes more healing problems and isn't needed. That being said, we without a doubt recommend you follow the instructions given to you by your professional piercer and GO BACK TO THEM if you have difficulties healing.